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My Video Game History


Hi, my name is Michael Smith and I am a student at Full Sail University due to graduate in February 2023. My love for gaming started when my brothers got me a Game Boy Color bundle with Pokémon Silver and the Strategy Guide for my birthday back in 2001. From that point forward I have always kept my ear to the ground in what was new in gaming. I remember watching E3 on G4tv back when the PS3 and Xbox 360 were announced. I made sure to read cover to cover of every Game Informer magazine I got through GameStop. In 2007 We finally got a computer that could connect to the internet and then even more possibilities for gaming news and info were add to my life. I remember making my first youtube video in 2007 of me playing RuneScape just mining ore for like 5 minutes.

2009 was the year that my oldest brother got me into World of Warcraft and it changed how I looked at gaming. It was my first real online game. WoW was the first game that I couldn't wait until I could play it again. When I couldn't play I would just pour over the two strategy guides that came in the battle chest for WoW and Burning Crusade. WoW introduced me to podcast for the first time because that same year I got into WoW I got an iPod nano for Christmas and I found a podcast called The Instance and I listened to as many episodes as I could fit onto that iPod. In 2010 I found and got introduced to the world of livestreaming for the first time. I would watch anyone I could play WoW or StarCraft 2 since it was the latest release from blizzard at the time. 2011 was really when really blew up and that is when I found the WoW streamer Towelliee and I got introduced to the high-end WoW scene. The first stream I saw of Towelliee he was doing Heroic progress on Lord Rhyolith and i had a blast so I would return each day to see if we was streaming just to watch someone else play the game I love at a level I could never achieve. Then grew out of and introduced me to a lot of other streamers. Some were playing the latest games and some were playing old games. One area I fell into hard was The Legend of Zelda speedruns. I watched a lot of Ocarina of Time and Windwaker speedruns. Windwaker is by far my favorite Zelda game with OoT and TP a close second and third. These are the points in my life that helped make me who I am now.

Favorite Video Game Genres

  • JRPG - I have always loved JRPGs. Some of my favorites are Pokémon, Final Fantasy, and Persona 5

  • RPG - Western RPGs are always fun for me to playthrough. I like RPGs like Dragon Age, Skyrim, and Witcher 3.

  • Simulation/Building - Not sure if these are the right genre for these game but I have a lot of fun with games like Minecraft and Satisfactory.

  • Action/Adventure - Games like Tomb Raider (2014) or Uncharted are fun.

  • Platformer - I love platformers weather they are 2d or 3d i will always check one out.

Myself Now


Hi again, my name is Michael Smith and I am 27 years old and I love games and the stories, emotions, and other things you can tell with them. I want to make games that will be able to take the player away from their day to day life and escape into a world where anything is possible. My skills are unfortunately limited to Unreal Engine but i work to expanded those skills every day. I am always working in engine seeing what I can do and what new thing I can create will be. I plan on being a hard worker and to go above and beyond what is needed to make the product we are supposed to make. This site will build as I make more things to add to it. Thanks for reading this post

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